Feb 27, 2009

25 weeks!

Only 15 more weeks!

Feb 8, 2009

22 week Belly

Getting bigger every day : )

Feb 7, 2009

3rd Ultrasound @ 18 weeks

The 3-D pictures make him look like a little alien.

Proving his manhood. : )

Feb 6, 2009

First Ultrasounds

The top is Parker's second ultrasound at about 13ish weeks, notice my gigantic bladder above him, haha that hurt. The bottom is our very first glimpse of Parker at about 8 or 9 weeks.


Hey everyone! As you know we are expecting a baby boy, which we have named Parker. I am 22 weeks today, and I can feel him moving around like crazy! It is the strangest sensation but every little movement puts a smile on my face, haha for now, I hear it is quite annoying towards the end. This is just a blog so you all can see those elusive belly pictures and ultrasounds of the little guy!